It made me think, Am I really afraid of change? Would I defer my dream because pursuing it would disrupt my comfort zone? I am of the opinion that, to truly maximize our potential, we must be willing to put ourselves out there and take risks, not recklessly, but after careful deliberation.
I think that wise person was telling me not to let my fear of disrupting the status quo be the deciding factor. If I give in to fear to avoid discomfort, I may miss out on a golden opportunity. We all have a purpose, and the pathway to bringing one’s purpose to fruition varies.
Facing a decision? Weigh the pros and cons carefully, and don't let fear keep you from moving outside your comfort zone. Opportunity may be showing you the next road to travel.
For Reflections on Nursing Leadership (RNL), published by the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International. Comments are moderated. Those that promote products or services will not be posted.